This is my project page. These are a few of the projects that i'm most proud of. Each photo on this page will be linked to the project.
This project was for environmental science class and it's research about Natural Disasters
This is a video from 9th grade showing who I am.
This project is an improvement on the website I made for the Tec Fair a few years ago
This project was from an English class containing a series of different poems.
This project is a website I made about myself. I used WIX to create my website. I did this project last year in 11th grade so my goal was to make a revised version. I worked on this project page by page starting with the Home page and ending with the About page. Since these pages were already finished at the start of this project, I revised them in the order that they’re in on the website. This wasn’t too hard and I was able to make it better than the original version because I had more time to work on extra stuff. Since I was only revising my project I was able to play around and get a good understanding of extra features such as shadows. Through this project I was able to recognize things about myself that I don’t normally think about. I was able to look back at old projects and I even found a way to match the website with my personality. If I were to do this again I would try it on another website to use different features and styling options. I think more people should try this out no matter what class it is.
For quarter 2 I chose to do image editing. My project is a picture of a wolf disguised in the darkness of the forest. To create this project I used 2 images and edited them in photoshop. Before starting I had to figure out how I was going to use the images in my project. After planning I put my images into photoshop and learned what tools I would need to use and how I would use them. I was able to make the images look blended together by blurring parts of the wolf and making it match the color of the forest. To make the wolf stand out and look creepy I had to zoom in really close and color each pixel red. This project taught me how to use the tools I needed and now I feel like I could do it again if I had to without any help. Through this I learned that I can learn how to do anything. I was going to change my idea because I couldn’t figure out how to combine the images but I kept trying and ended up figuring it out. If anyone wanted to recreate this I would say that researching how to blur, cut and layer images, and change the color of images before starting would make things go faster than it took me. This is something I would also do if I had to do this again.
For my quarter 4 project, I chose to do graphic design and make a logo for a non-existing organization. I always found graphic design interesting and I wanted to try this to see how it feels to make a digital logo. The organization I made is called Pause. It’s purpose is to stop world hunger which is where I got my inspiration from for my logo. I used Canva to create my image First, I thought of different ideas that would represent ending world hunger and sketched them out on paper along with an explanation of them. I chose 1 idea to use and went to Canva to try to replicate my drawing the best way possible. I found all of the shapes and pictures I needed and arranged/ layered them to recreate my picture. I had to put my image into Pixlr to remove the background. I think I learned how to use these tools very well and I would be able to do it again if I had to. This project has inspired me to try making more logos. I didn’t know if I would really like doing this but now I know I do. If anyone else was to try doing this, I would tell them to make sure they have a few ideas sketched out to stay on track.